Freedom at last!

 This week has definitely been a rollercoaster of emotions! Being in the same room for 9 hours a day only speaking spanish kind of took a toll on me. But, as of yesterday I am done with quarantine and I already feel so much better now that I can walk and breath fresh air!

On Friday this week we had a little interchange with the sister training leaders, because we needed food desperately! We only had 30 minutes the first time I got here to buy food and we had only been eating bread, and yogurt for 5 days. Hermana Castro went out with one sister to go shopping and I got to stay back with Sister Lunt. It was just what I needed! She is from the United States so I got to have a little English break and could ask questions and actually say what I was thinking! It was so fun to meet other missionaries!

Something awesome is that we got a referral this week, and now he is on date for baptism after only 3 lessons. His name is Raul, and something unique is that he is currently in prison. He actually has a parole hearing this Saturday, so if he gets let out then he will be baptized April 2nd! He is super nice and really loves this gospel! We had a lot of phone calls and video chat lessons this week, but sorry to say I did not understand a lot of what was going on, but luckily the spirit is a universal language and I could feel it so strongly during our lessons. 

Turns out we have members meals practically every day here which is super nice! They have all been good, and nothing too crazy! Yesterday we went to a member's house for the first time and they were all super nice, the grandma that lived there afterwards came up to me and said that she loved my spiritual thought. She said to not worry about how broken my spanish was because she understood my heart. Ahh I already love that family so much! The members here are super supportive and always willing to help with lessons.

I am excited to start to put more faces to the people we talk to on the phone! Chile is very different from what I am used to, but I am learning to love all of its differences! They also have so many cute dogs and cats everywhere and it is just my favorite thing ever! I love you all so much! I hope you guys have great weeks!

These pictures are of Raul, me and my companion, and this Chilean dish I tried called Pastel de Choclo. Not my favorite. It is basically undercooked corn bread, with boiled eggs, whole olives, and chicken mixed in!
