I am in Chile!

 I know that this is a response to response to a past letter but I have to write this letter on a phone and it won't let me write a new group email!

Oh my goodness! What a week! I got on the plane on thursday at 2pm, and got to Chile at about 9am their time. I also got hardly any  sleep so i was very exhausted! Then when I got off of the plane a security man told me to go and wait up against a wall or something like that. My spanish is really really bad! So then I was seperated from all the other missionaries, i tried to not freak out but i was so worried because so msny missionaries have done things wrong and been sent back home. Turns out I was randomly selected to be COVID tested! Downside was that no one spoke any english so it was an adventure! Any time anyone at a station asked for something i just gave them my folder of documents and hoped for the best! And I made it through so I guess it worked!

Then I was finally reunited with other missionaries!! And best of all my MTC district!! It was such a relief to see them but I had to leave soon after. We went to the mission office and we took pictures and of all things ate Papa Johns pizza. We then got companions!!! My companion is Hermana Castro, she is Chilean and only speaks bare minimum spanish. But I already love her so much! After that the fun just didnt stop. After walking for about 40 minutes taking a bus, and two metros (which are basically just subways), with my 3 suitcases and coat I made it to my house!

My first impression was interesting because we basically have a jail cell in front of our house before the front door and all the windows have bars over them, but that just means that I'm safe! So I'm co with it! We have an office, bedroom, bathroom and a  kitchen. It's only me and Hermana Castro and we have to be quaranteed for 10 days together! Which is fine but the language barrier is very real, but luckily smiles, giggles, and love are a universal language! Hopefully I can learn this language fast!

It is very warm here, we don't have a fan or air conditioning so I just sleep with a top sheet. We just call members and investigators all day which is good experience  People here are so nice! Even if they don't want to hear our message they kindly say so and wish us a good day so that's nice! So far I'm loving it here and can't wait until we can leave our house. It is very different than what I am used to but I know God is with me so I can do anything! I love you all! Thank you for all you guys do!
