My First Full Week!

 This week has both gone by so fast, but also felt like every day was eternity! I have been amazed by how much I have learned this week. The devotionals that they give each week, are truly inspired! Something cool that happened this week, is that I was able to go back to my work and receive my last dose of the COVID vaccine! So now I am fully vaccinated! Down side though, this time it did not only make my arm sore, but it made me feel pretty sick. So that day was filled with a lot of hot chocolate, medicine, fuzzy blankets, and a long nap so that I could still attend all of my classes, and TRC that day.

     My companion and I have been doing a lot of teaching drills this week, and I am amazed at how far we have come! We have really adapted to notice each other's cues of when to switch off teaching, because it is a lot harder to tell over a zoom conference! I know I said this last week, but I am so incredibly thankful for my amazing district! They amaze me everyday with their insights and understanding, but we still laugh and have a good time at the end of every class! Something that I found out this week that is a little crazy is that one of the elders in my district, Elder Woods, has a lot in common with me! He did marching band, played french horn and mellophone, loves to read, and did chess tournaments up until Jr. High!! So needless to say me and him kind of geeked out for a bit!
    This week we focused a lot on Christ's Atonement. My testimony has grown so much on it. I know that it applies to each and every person, and that through it we will grow closer to our Heavenly Father, and Jesus Christ. I have an exceedingly great love for my Savior, and all that he has done for me. One exercise that we did that I invite you all to do is to really read your sacrament hymn this week. I learned so much by analysing each line in so many sacrament hymns! I know that as each of you do this then you will really be able to feel the love that God has for you! 

Here is a picture of my district and my companion Sister Jones!! Thank you everyone for your love and prayers!
