Si Se Puede!!

 This week has been such a rollercoaster! The best part was on Tuesday night as a district we got to choose what we wanted to do for our last class in English. We ended up doing a mini testimony meeting, and it was such a great spiritual experience. I learn so much from all of them, and my testimony is strengthened through them. I know I say this every week but my district is actually the best! I think that is one perk of doing home MTC. You get to know each person in your district on such an individual basis, probably more than I would have in person! 

      Then starting on Wednesday every class I have from here on out is 100% in Español! My morning teacher Hermano Nelson is super nice about it and talks slow to us, and uses lots of hand gestures so it’s easy to get the general idea and easy to learn new words. My night teacher is such a nice teacher, but when it comes to Spanish he is a firm believer in tough love! He talks very fast and uses long complex sentences. He also will actually pretend that if we say anything in English that he doesn’t understand what we said! So asking a question can be quite hard/funny when I have such a limited vocabulary to try and describe what I didn’t understand! 

     I am happy with how much Spanish I am catching on to though! I’ve only had 3 days of Spanish class but as my teacher told us, “I could randomly be dropped in a Spanish country and survive! With a low paying job of course.” It was a weird way of phrasing it, but it gave me a lot of hope! I can’t wait to learn more so that I can teach the people in Chile! Chile has been letting a ton of missionaries back in, so my district and I are keeping our fingers crossed that we can just go straight there! 

    A little something funny that happened this week was that me and my companion had our first TRC (missionary training lesson) in all Spanish on Thursday! Since it was after only having 3 hours of formal Spanish training I just memorized a ton of sentences and questions based from the first preach my gospel lesson, so that I could help fill the 30 minutes! But then my companion who is phenomenal at Spanish answered one of his questions and then started talking about the second lesson in preach my gospel! So I became very lost very fast and my sentences kind of became useless only 5 minutes in. I was so lost and just had to say I agree to everything  Sister Jones said. After it was over she then told me what was taught and asked... and it was nothing close to what I was guessing. But I just started laughing! Because throughout this week I could randomly start crying or laughing and laughing is just so much more enjoyable! So I just smiled snd learned from this! 

   It has been a fun yet kind of stressful week, but I have really learned the importance of prayer! I have prayed a lot and have had to rely on God to give me hope! I have a firm testimony that God hears our prayers and that he answers them, and will send us comfort! I know that this is God’s church and that it is one of the only things in life that can bring us true happiness! I love you guys all so much! 

The first picture is of my district when we had to say goodbye to our morning teacher because he got transferred to international MTC’s so we were sending our love (The sister didn’t tell us she was screenshotting it). The second is just us messing around with our new teacher who is just as amazing! 
