Step one is done!

 I have officially finished the MTC. I can’t believe that I have finished!. I have learned and grown so much over the course of these 6 weeks. It has also been the hardest thing that I have ever had to do, people always warn you about that and turns out they are right! It is hard! I have honestly never wanted to give up on something so much in my entire life, but also never had so much motivation to keep going. I am so excited to go to Chile and give it my all. I'm ready even though I can barely speak the language. In a video that one of my teachers shared with us was of a member of the Seventy talking about learning a language. His message was that you are going to make 30,000 mistakes before you can speak a language well. It is up to you how fast you are willing to make those mistakes. I know it sounds weird, but I am excited to get out there and start making mistakes!

I have learned so much over the course of these 6 weeks, but the thing that I am going to remember the most is everything that my district taught me. There has not been a single person in my entire district that I don't feel overwhelming love for.  We had a closing testimony meeting last night with everyone, and I don't think there was a single dry eye by the end. They make me want to be a better missionary, a kinder person, and a true disciple of Christ, every day. I am going to miss talking with all of them every day!

My testimony that God knows what each of us need has also grown exponentially. Not only did he give me the best district, he blessed me with the best companion. I have never actually met my companion Hermana Jones in person before, but I know that I needed her as my companion. So many times when I have felt inadequate she has cheered me up, and kept me pushing on. She is one of the kindest people I have ever met! She is not only my companion though, she has been my best friend. I just love talking and getting to know her! I know that God puts people into our lives when we need them the most. I know that I was meant to serve a mission at this time, so that my life could be touched by so many amazing people.

It is hard to believe that I will fly out for Chile in only 5 days! I have so many mixed emotions about it. But I know that God knows what he is doing and that he will watch over me. That's not to say that I am not completely terrified, because I am. Going to a foreing country and only speaking a little bit of the language is very daunting! But thousands of missionaries have done it and it seems to work, so I trust that God must know what he is doing!

One last thing that I have learned throughout my MTC experience is that God's work will stop for nothing. I was scared at the beginning that I wouldn't be able to feel the spirit as much as if I had gone in person. I now know that the Spirit of God will testify of truth through any means, including zoom. Even when you don't understand the words being said in a TRC, with crappy internet, over zoom call, the Spirit can still be there. This experience might not have been my ideal, but I wouldn't trade what I have learned and my experiences for anything. For anyone nervous about doing online MTC, I promise it's going to be way better than you can imagine!
  I love you guys all so much! I hope you guys have amazing weeks! And the next time you guys hear from me will hopefully be from Chile!!!

Here are some pictures of my district, us saluting goodbye, and a funny one of someone taking a picture when we were all so beyond lost during a Spanish grammar lesson!
