Week 54 - I Got Bored!!


This week was incredible for one monumental sentence uttered by yours truly to President Howell: "I'm bored, I don't have enough to do." That is most definitely the only time I'll ever get to say that to the craziest, most fast-paced man I know. It was because he's been at zone conferences all across our 5 states the past couple of weeks, but still! I've gotten just a bit too good at the referrals and data, so I've now taken on auditing the missionaries' area book planners, which is the app that all missionaries use to plan their days, report their lessons and contacts, and set goals, tasks, and reminders! I do not even mind, because that means.... I got to build a new spreadsheet! Woohoo!!!!!! It's pretty schwanky if I do say so myself, and it took me less than a day to make!

It gets even better: I got to make ANOTHER spreadsheet this week in addition to that one! We had a phenomenal training by the social media missionary work leader of the entire Church on a new method of Facebook finding where you interact with them via comments, likes, and shares before even sending a friend request to get them more familiar with you. It sounds super good in theory, but then I was thinking, "How am I going to keep track of all the people I'm supposed to interact with over the course of many days if I'm not even friends with them?" Boom. Spreadsheet. I love those things SOOOOO much. I'm convinced that 90% of life's problems can be solved or greatly helped by a spreadsheet. Convince me otherwise. 

Missionary work update! So, we had to drop Lexi, but we are still 100% her best pal, we just can't see her as often because we only get 2 hours a day to really do "normal" missionary work, so we need to maximize every solitary second of that time frame working with those who want to change and draw closer to Christ. She took it well! Still made me sad to do though. Robert is also ghosting us which is sad :( Prayers for him to come back around. He has SO much potential. Brian and Kandace are still doing dandy though! We also picked up 2 new people to teach last Sunday after church! Ping and John!

The most miracles of the whole week though actually came from this morning from 10:30-11:30 am. First of all, Sister Kropf and I had a CRAZY productive morning, then had meetings from 8:30-10:30 am, and decided to just do our third hour of proselyting from 10:30-11:30. During those 60 minutes, 3 people have told me they will come to church with me tomorrow, and I had an awesome phone call with this woman named Sharon, AND someone I've been talking to on Instagram for months asked me more about what I do as a missionary. WHAT???? 5 out of the 6 miracles also came from social media!!! God is so good. 

Nothing else too crazy here! Read your scriptures, say your prayers, live the two great commandments. Talk to you all again soon!

Sister Balls
