Week 60 - Ummm..... I cannot think of a single clever thing to title this

Good morning, everyone!

In stark contrast to the behemoth that was last week's email, this one will likely be on the shorter spectrum of the emails I've written. Why? Well, because of the insanity of last week, this week was largely spent playing catch-up. I'm sure that it would be so thrilling to hear about all the office work I did, but I'll abstain. It really was nice to get caught up on some things though. The referrals are looking better, my data is up to date, and my head only slightly broke from a huge project that got dropped on me on Thursday. Thankfully there's a GENIUS elder in the office with me who helped out, but both of us sure did lose some sleep the past couple days getting it done in time for yesterday! Then daylight savings time just put the cherry on top. Needless to say, I slept in today. It was glorious. 

Honestly though, most of our lessons cancelled on us, and we didn't get to meet with many members, so I'm not sure what else to include in here.... we had a good relief society activity, so that was cool. We're also getting a lot more members to reach out to us for family history help, so we're excited to get that rolling. I've also been doing indexing during the mornings, evenings, and meal breaks and I just love it to pieces. Family history work is incredible. Go spend 5 minutes on it for me.

Also, the church is now kicking off the Easter content! Go check out churchofjesuschrist.org to see some of it, and look up the video #StartingToday. It's a good one. 

I love you all! Sorry, also not too many pictures this week. Thanks for reading this anyway!

Sister Balls
