Week 29?: Essentially Chaos--Beautiful Chaos

 Hey there friends, fam, and everyone else! (Kidding, all of y'all fall into those categories and yes, fam also doubles as friend).

So this week was something. Let's just say that. Every single day could have been a whole week is about how this feels. Also, I'm not being horrible sending this out late. We flipped our pday to be at the end of the day instead of the beginning. I'm just under a MAJOR time crunch, because even today, my one, beautiful day to relax, ended up being a little crazy, so here we are!

Anywho, that's enough rambling. Let's get going!

So our pday and tuesday were weird and all blended together because of a bunch of meetings and devotionals, and I honestly don't remember much of the specifics, but I do recall Tuesday night! We got a call from one of the APs telling me that my comp, Sister Astle, actually wouldn't be coming on Wednesday as previously thought, because she was still traveling the mission. Instead, I'd temporarily get Sister Johansen. Not only that, but they didn't know when I would get S. Astle, nor when S. Jo would leave, because some missionaries in Williston (s jo's future area) had to get a COVID test. Fun! THEN, the test came back negative, so we thought we were all set to proceed. Come to find out that then Sis. Astle's area got shut down for a possible COVID missionary case--once again a false alarm. So as of about 3 hours ago, learned that Sis. Jo will leave tomorrow morning and I will pick up Sis. Astle tomorrow morning as well, and THEN we will all be in our assigned areas, and COVID free. If any of y'all know me, you know how well I cope with uncertainty and change.


Well, thankfully God heard and answered my many, many prayers and Sis. Jo turned out to be literally the best person EVER, we instantly clicked, it didn't even feel like a transition, and I've felt more peace and comfort through all of this uncertainty than I ever could have on my own. God is real, that's all I have to say. 

So yeah! That's the comp and transfer situation. Onto the missionary work! Angela and Denise are getting baptized on Saturday!!!! I literally cannot express how excited I am. This is the very first baptism of someone I've taught that I get to be at. Ted is going to be baptized just a few weeks after, and we are so proud of him! They are also literally the most loving and charitable people ever. They decided earlier this week that they would go on a plant based diet, so they gave ALL of their non-plant-based food to us, which was yet another answer to prayers because I didn't have money for groceries due to some unforeseen purchases I had to prioritize over food. I'm pretty sure not many missionaries get handed rib-eye steaks.... it was amazing. Angela and Denise have also made us bracelets, face masks, and pillows, and made Sis Jo a blanket. Pretty sure they're making one for me too. We don't know how to repay them, and trying to tell them to stop is literally the most futile effort ever! They are my favorite people ever. I wish you could all meet them!!

K, now for a Facebook/online missionary work update. I did my first live for the Dickinson page!! Not gonna lie, it went pretty great. Sis Jo commented though that people like to listen to things that are nice to look at, and she's amazing at painting, so I wishfully said it would be nice if we could find a way to have her paint a backdrop for us. A quick trip to Walmart and back then 2.5 hours later, and we had the most beautiful thing ever made!!! It's incredible. She's incredible. I love her. It's just acrylic paint on a white sheet, but it's pretty fantastic. She's also one of our instagram missionaries, so I helped her with some photoshoots haha. 

K, I don't have time to write anything more, but I love you all so much!! Thank you for your love and prayers. If you want something to spiritually blow your mind, look up the chiasmus of Alma 36. It's crazy. See you next week!!

Sister Balls
